Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/utils
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv18128/utils

Added Files:
        sed.info sed.patch 
Log Message:
CERNLIB for Lion.

--- NEW FILE: sed.patch ---
diff -ru sed-4.1.5/configure sed-4.1.5-patched/configure
--- sed-4.1.5/configure 2006-02-03 10:24:40.000000000 +0100
+++ sed-4.1.5-patched/configure 2006-12-27 23:17:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -11265,13 +11265,13 @@
     done ;;
     gettext-fix )
-  sed -e '/^mkinstalldirs *=/a\' \
-      -e "install_sh=$install_sh" \
+  sed -e "/^mkinstalldirs *=/a\\
+install_sh=$install_sh" \
       -e 's/^mkinstalldirs *=.*/mkinstalldirs=$(MKINSTALLDIRS)/' \
       intl/Makefile > intl/Makefile.tmp
   mv intl/Makefile.tmp intl/Makefile
-  sed -e '/^mkinstalldirs *=/a\' \
-      -e "install_sh=$install_sh" \
+  sed -e "/^mkinstalldirs *=/a\\
+install_sh=$install_sh" \
       -e 's/^mkinstalldirs *=.*/mkinstalldirs=$(MKINSTALLDIRS)/' \
       po/Makefile > po/Makefile.tmp
   mv po/Makefile.tmp po/Makefile ;;

--- NEW FILE: sed.info ---
# DISCLAIMER: Max Horn is the sole maintainer of this package.
# Please DO NOT MAKE MODIFICATIONS without informing the maintainer.
# Preferably, send a patch to me instead of making changes yourself!
# If that is not possible due to extra urgency, at least send me a mail.
# Explanation: I am sick and tired of getting back to my packages and
# discovering that people have messed with it. I am then forced to
# retrace their steps, find out who, when and why did make a certain
# change etc. -- i.e. it makes my life as maintainer harder.
# Furthermore, as maintainer I am responsible for problems caused by my
# packages. But I am not willing to take responsibility for something I
# did not do. In particular, for changes that other people introduced
# behind my back, no matter how good and noble their intentions were. As
# such, I may see myself forced to drop responsibility for (and hence,
# maintainership of) the affected package.

Package: sed
Version: 4.2.1
Revision: 1
Maintainer: Max Horn <m...@quendi.de>
Source: gnu
Source-MD5: f0fd4d7da574d4707e442285fd2d3b86 
Depends: libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv
BuildDepends: libgettext3-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev, fink 
(>= 0.24.12-1)
ConfigureParams: --with-libiconv-prefix=%p --mandir=%p/share/man 
--infodir=%p/share/info --program-prefix=g
InstallScript: <<
 make install DESTDIR=%d
 mv %i/share/info/sed.info %i/share/info/gsed.info
InfoDocs: gsed.info
PostInstScript: <<
  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/sed sed %p/bin/gsed 40 --slave 
%p/share/man/man1/sed.1 sed.1 %p/share/man/man1/gsed.1 --slave 
%p/share/info/sed.info sed.info %p/share/info/gsed.info
PreRmScript: <<
  if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
    update-alternatives --remove sed %p/bin/gsed
Description: The stream editor, GNU version
DescDetail: <<
 Sed is a text stream editor that is commonly used 
 to process text from shell scripts and makefiles.
DescPackaging: <<
 Previous revisions by Christoph Pfisterer and Sylvain Cuaz.
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/sed.html

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