Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/libs/pythonmods
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv30519/pythonmods

Added Files:
Log Message:
New package: tempita-py* (for sqlalchemy-migrate)

--- NEW FILE: tempita-py.info ---
Info2: <<

Package: tempita-py%type_pkg[python]
Version: 0.5.1
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.4, (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.5
Description: Very small text templating language in Python
DescDetail: <<
Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution.

This isn't meant to be the Next Big Thing in templating; it's just a handy
little templating language for when your project outgrows string.Template or %
substitution. It's small, it embeds Python in strings, and it doesn't do much

Source: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/T/Tempita/Tempita-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: f75bdfeabd2f3755f1ff32d582a574a4

Type: python (2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2)
Depends: python%type_pkg[python]
BuildDepends: distribute-py%type_pkg[python]

CompileScript: <<
 echo Skipping build

InstallScript: <<
 %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root=%d 

DocFiles: PKG-INFO
License: OSI-Approved
Homepage: http://pythonpaste.org/tempita/
Maintainer: Charles Lepple <clepple+f...@ghz.cc>

# Info2

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