Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sound
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv22017/sound

Added Files:
        portaudio.info portaudio.patch 
Log Message:
copy from 10.4

--- NEW FILE: portaudio.patch ---
--- portaudio_v18_1/Makefile.in 2003-02-11 23:24:56.000000000 +0100
+++ portaudio_v18_1_pachted/Makefile.in 2007-11-15 17:34:05.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,24 +6,25 @@

 PREFIX = @prefix@

 CC = @CC@

-CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -Ipa_common


+CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -Ipa_common -Ipablio

+LIBS = @LIBS@ -framework AudioToolbox

 AR = @AR@




+SHARED_FLAGS = @SHARED_FLAGS@ -framework AudioToolbox -install_name 
@prefix@/lib/libportaudio.0.dylib -compatibility_version 18.0 -current_version 





 PALIB = libportaudio.a


-PADLLV = $(PADLL).0.0.18

+PADLLV = libportaudio.0.18.1.dylib

 PAINC = pa_common/portaudio.h



        pa_common/pa_convert.o \

-       pa_common/pa_lib.o

+       pa_common/pa_lib.o \
+       pablio/ringbuffer.o


 TESTS = \

        bin/patest_buffer \

--- NEW FILE: portaudio.info ---
Package: portaudio
Version: 18.1
Revision: 3

Conflicts: portaudio2
Replaces: portaudio2
BuildDepends: autoconf (>= 2.60), fink (>= 0.24.12)
BuildDependsOnly: true
Depends: portaudio-shlibs (= %v-%r)

Source: http://www.portaudio.com/archives/%n_v18_1.zip
Source-MD5: ce66a732d263fde2b5ad2262ef37a691
UpdateConfigGuess: true

PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 6a280fbb81a25a046d6b1a455de1f322
PatchScript: <<
chmod +x configure
# replace uint32 with pa_uint32
perl -pi -e 's,uint32,pa_uint32,g' */*.c */*.h

InstallScript: <<
mkdir %i/include
cp pa_common/portaudio.h %i/include
cp -r lib %i
cp -r bin %i
( cd %i/lib; ln -sf libportaudio.0.18.1.dylib libportaudio.0.dylib )
( cd %i/lib; ln -sf libportaudio.0.18.1.dylib libportaudio.dylib )
ranlib %i/lib/libportaudio.a
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
cp -r docs %i/share/doc/%n/

SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Files: << 
  Shlibs: %p/lib/libportaudio.0.dylib 18.0.0 %n (>= 18.1-1)
  DocFiles: LICENSE.txt
  DescDetail: <<
  PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross
  Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs
  in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio
  is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between
  developers on different platforms.

  The shlibs package contains the shared library only.

SplitOff2: <<
  Package: %N-doc
  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
  Conflicts: portaudio2-doc
  Replaces: portaudio2-doc
  Files: bin share/doc/%N/docs
  DocFiles: LICENSE.txt
  DescDetail: <<
  PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross
  Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs
  in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio
  is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between
  developers on different platforms.

  The bin package contains compiled test applications and the documentation.

DocFiles: index.html LICENSE.txt README.txt

Description: Cross platform audio I/O library

DescDetail: <<
PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross
Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs
in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio
is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between
developers on different platforms.

This package contains the headers only.

DescPort: <<
./configure, ./config.sub, ./config.guess were outdated
libtool not used, so links for shared library had to be created manually
some compile flags were missing
copied doc files manually
uint32 is defined by 

License: BSD
Homepage: http://www.portaudio.com
Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <frec...@users.sf.net>

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