Hi there,

On 13.09.2013, at 14:53, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:

> Was updating tar on 10.7 to (B)Dep on libiconv-1.14 and ran into this 
> problem when it got to TestScript:


> Although this has a happy ending, if we ever modify tar test macros 
> again, this issue will reappear.

Well, you added a comment to the .info file warning about that, so I hope we'll 
be fine.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I noticed that our tar.info still uses the gross 
hack of running
  %p/bin/fink -y install libgettext8-dev libiconv-dev
in its CompileScript.

I wonder if we really still need that... Out of curiosity, I created the 
attached modified version, which changes the above into a plain BDep (I also 
removed the relevant DescPackaging comments, custom CompileScript and 
"BuildAsNobody: false"). Oh, and (independent of the above) I cleaned up the 
InstallScript. I attached the result for reference.

Then, I did a test bootstrap: No issues. I also did "fink -m rebuild tar" in my 
regular fink /sw tree, and it built fine.

Perhaps there is some constellation where it is *not* going to work. Anybody 
got a clue whether that might be the case, and how I might trigger it?


Attachment: tar.info
Description: Binary data

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Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

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