We have a small problem with nedit's version: in stable there is 
version 5.2RC1, and in unstable we have 5.2 - which is the newer one. 
But dpkg/fink think RC1 is newer :/ I only now noticed that I had in 
fact RC1 installed...

In debian, they use "epoches" to fix this. It probably wouldn't be 
hard to extend fink to support this as well...
Epoches basically work like this: you can prefix a version string 
with a number followed by a colon, like this:


This would indicate a package at version 1.0, revision 1, in epoche 
42. Epoches are used to order packages even before the version part 
is taken into consideration. The default epoche for any package (i.e. 
when you don't specify one) is 0.

In the case of nedit, we would simply use an epoche of 1 for the 5.2 version.


Max Horn
Software Developer

email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
phone: (+49) 6151-494890

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