As some of you know, I've converted a few existing fink packages to this
new "shlibs" mode, and I've also been advocating that some other develoeprs
do the same.  As I've gained some experience with this, I've started to
question the role of splitting off the binaries from the rest.  (The
idea to do that comes from Debian policy.)  For libjpeg and libtiff I
built three packages, but for gdbm and libpng I only built two (since
there were no binaries).

This came up again just now when Ben Reed submitted a revision of one
of his earlier packages (rrdtool) to the package submission tracker.
Here's the conversation we had:

Dave> Thanks for being the first one on the block to reformat!
Dave> The binaries and perl modules are problematic.  We're still
Dave> experimenting with this, of course, and your input would
Dave> be welcome.
Dave> The idea is that rrdtool itself should basically only have
Dave> headers, static libraries, and the non-versioned dylib link.
Dave> That way, if somebody later changes the API and we have to
Dave> make rrdtool2, you'll be able to leave both rrdtool-shlibs
Dave> and rrdtool2-shlibs resident on the system at the same
Dave> time, and swap rrdtool and rrdtool2 in and out.
Dave> So nothing should ever Depend on rrdtool itself (because
Dave> that would prevent the swapping), and that's
Dave> why I was recommending (as the debian system recommends)
Dave> splitting binaries, perl scripts, whatever off into a
Dave> separate package, in your case rrdtool-bin.  I did this
Dave> with libjpeg (didn't have to do it with libpng because
Dave> there were no binaries).  Does that make sense, or am I
Dave> missing something?

Ben> Yeah, I saw the -bin thing, but didn't know if that applied,
Ben> since "rrdtool" is an application binary as well as a
Ben> library.  I had assumed that the -bin package was for
Ben> ancillary utils that are part of a library package.  But,
Ben> rrdtool is in that kind of limbo where it's used just as
Ben> equally in both ways, so saying "it's a library" or "it's an
Ben> application" are both just as right.
Ben> We can continue this on -devel if you want, but I can see
Ben> arguments for both ways.  Whatever you think makes the most
Ben> sense is fine with me; if it keeps things tidy to split -bin
Ben> I can do that.  RRDTool is picky and builds it's bins
Ben> statically anyways.

I gave the argument for making the split above.  Here's an argument for
NOT splitting: after all, a lot of this pkg/pkg-shlibs split is designed
to accomodate a future library revision, which may or may not ever take
place.  In that future library revision, the binaries will probably also
be provided.  So, although it might increase dpkg's time in swapping
things in and out, the basic non-shlibs package could contain a bunch
of other stuff like binaries.  A problem would only arise if some other
package wanted to verify that the binaries were present, not just the
libraries.  If that is the case, then the binaries will have to be split
out for that package.

I would like to hear the thoughts of others on this question.  I hope the
issue is clear.

  -- Dave

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