At 18:40 Uhr -0500 14.02.2002, David R. Morrison wrote:
>There is another aspect of this which has not yet been mentioned.
>When fink is analyzing dependencies, it (apparently, since I can't read
>perl) creates a list of existing .info files which it can suggest it
>will build in order to meet unmet dependencies.  These will have to be
>generated in some new way, which adds all the splitoffs to the list
>as well sas the original.

Actually, I did mention it (though indirectly I admit):

At 0:19 Uhr +0100 15.02.2002, Max Horn wrote:
>For splitoffs (and also for variants), we simply created additional 
>hash entries, each represneting the splitoff/variant package.

What is meant here is exactly what you ask for above - we create 
entries in the package list for each splitoff package. This means it 
will list them on "fink list", and "fink info" will work, too.

>Still thinking this through, will have more comments later.

Sure thing.

Max Horn
Software Developer

email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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