Hi, I am also trying to port evolution right now.  I have about 380 of the 500 files 
compiled/linked.  My edits are really nasty
for the time being so don't ask for a patch.

Currently I am distracted elsewhere.  Right now I need gal 0.19 to continue, and I am 
trying to use the patch for 0.18 to compile
0.19.  Upon superficial examination this breaks.  But actually something else is going 
wrong.  The following are all true

- fink rebuild gal successfully builds 0.18-1
- manually unpacking the same 0.18-1 tarball and applying apparently the same patch, 
setting CPPFLAGS=-no-cpp-precomp and
passing --prefix=/sw/lib to configure, the build breaks in the same way as if 0.19 
sources are used:

libtool . . . -o e-completion-test . . .
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbos:

- setting identical environment variables as those during the fink build (ehm, never 
mind how I got those) does not correct the

Obviously there is some state I am not thinking about that is different during the 
fink rebuild and my own rebuild.  Any ventures
as to what this might be?

Jeff Henrikson

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