On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Dan Milisic wrote:

> I've never seen developers and maintainers get so badly reamed on a
> community project before.  If it's not users saying "fink sucks" because
> they forgot to do something like sudo, it's Apple with a "Think
> Different" minimum-age-clause.  Looks like corporate *and* user base
> culture-shock against all things GNU ;) 

~~/o "Guns to the left of me,
      guns to the right,
      here I am,
      stuck in the middle with GNU."   o/~~

...sorry. :)

> I really hope it all gets figured out, for my part I'm starting work on
> a professionally written nastygram to Apple, FWIW. 

According to some of the better Slashdot posts [1], Apple's hands may be
tied here. (Granted, the client that take legal advice from Slashdot is,
well, an idiot, but still...). The groupthink party line seems to be that
if Apple doesn't do this, they're open to both child labor violations and
possible repurcussions from the fact that a minor can't enter into a
legally binding contract. Stupid, but the cost of letting Finlay continue
as a developer would be more than offset by the potential damaged. As one
poster noted, it's not Apple's fault -- it's the US legal system :/

...and that raises the question: isn't Finlay from the UK? Does that
matter in this case? None of the /. posts seem to raise that angle...

[1] http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=30003&cid=3223601
    http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=30003&cid=3223965   ...etc...

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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