Starting with fink-0.9.9, users who need to make a choice between different
packages to satisfy a dependency are given not only the names of the packages,
but also the "Description" field.

With this in mind, I have revised the Descriptions of several dozen packages
which appear in such choices.  I attempted to make clear what the differences
were, and I tried for some rough consistency in how those differences were
described.  In order to keep within the 60-character limit, I was forced
to abbreviate sometimes, occasionally quite drastically.  However, the "worst"
abbreviations are in packages that have a partner where the abbreviation was
not so drastic, and users should see both of those together.

I committed all of these revisions to CVS, in both stable and unstable
trees, but maintainers are of course free to make further revisions as they
wish.  Please do keep in mind the way in which this Description field
will be presented to users as they are making choices.

  -- Dave

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