
In the package request tracker there's an item for perl 5.6.1, 
which would be very valuable for a lot of people.  So would perl 
5.7.2, and the upcoming perl 5.8.0.  The only problem is what to 
do with the Apple-installed version at /usr/bin/perl .  There 
are a few choices, and this really opens debate about what 
should happen for *any* library/program that Apple installs but 
that we might want to update via fink - for example, Apache.

In this case, I can see several options:

  a) create a package "perl" which replaces the Apple-installed stuff

This is clearly against the fink packaging guidelines.

  b) use a virtual package "sysperl" to check the version of perl
     currently installed.  The user can then upgrade by hand.

This would work, except that it's not very finky, and it may 
cause problems when Apple releases updates.

  c) + create a package "perl", which installs binaries and
       library files in /sw, and
     + create a virtual package "sysperl" that just checks the version
       of the Apple-installed stuff

I think this would work well.  It's quite possible to have 
several versions of perl installed at once, with different 
library trees (site_perl).  The choice of which one to execute 
would just depend on the PATH. ("Just", he says glibly.)



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