why am i getting lib errors when it's not linking??

<snip terminal.app>

Missing C++ runtime support for CC (/usr/bin/CC).

Compilation of the following test program failed:

#include "iostream.h"
int main(){ cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0;}

Usually this is because you do not have a standard C++ library
installed on your system or you have installed it in a non-standard
location.  If you do not have a C++ library installed, then you must
install it.  If it is installed in a non-standard location, then you
should configure the compiler so that it will automatically be found.

(For recent gcc releases this is libstdc++, for older gcc - libg++)

Unrecoverable error!  Once you've corrected the problem rerun this script.


<snip config.log>

/usr/bin/CC        -D__ANSI_CPP__ -I. -I. -I././regex -I. -I././util
-I../NONE/include -g -O -x c++ t.c++
dyld: /sw/bin/bash multiple definitions of symbol _BC
/sw/lib/libreadline.4.2.dylib(terminal.so) definition of _BC
/sw/lib/libncurses.dylib.5(lib_termcap.o) definition of _BC
make: *** [t] Error 66


  Justin F. Hallett - Systems Analyst               
          Phone: (780)-408-3094
            Fax: (780)-454-3200
        E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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