Max Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dave,
> the new gdk-pixbuf-shlibs can't be smoothly upgraded while gdk-pixbuf 
> is installed - you moved some files (%i/lib/gdk-pixbuf/loaders/*.la ) 
> from the master to the -shlibs splitoff.
> Max

Thanks for pointing this out, Max.

I'm having trouble with gdk-pixbuf.  On my machine, it doesn't build the
shared objects.  (I didn't notice this the first time I ran it, which is
why I didn't notice the error in my version of the package.)

In fact, it seems to try to build the shared objects a second time
during the install phase, but fails with (long) messages like the one
at the end of this email.

I think I recall that this problem came up before, but I don't recall the
solution.  Can anybody help?

  -- Dave

libtool: install: warning: relinking `'
cd /Volumes/dirac/sww/src/gdk-pixbuf-0.16.0-5/gdk-pixbuf-0.16.0/gdk-pixbuf;
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=relink cc -O3 -L/sw/lib -o
-rpath /sw/lib/gdk-pixbuf/loaders -version-info 1:0:0 -module io-png.lo
-lpng -lz -L/sw/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule
-lglib -ldl -lintl -lXext -lX11 -lm
cc -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o
.libs/  io-png.lo  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/sw/lib
-lpng -lz /sw/lib/libgdk_pixbuf.dylib /sw/lib/libgtk.dylib
/sw/lib/libgdk.dylib /sw/lib/libgmodule.dylib /sw/lib/libglib.dylib -ldl
/sw/lib/libintl.dylib -lXext -lX11 -lm -lc -install_name
/sw/lib/gdk-pixbuf/loaders/ -compatibility_version
2 -current_version 2.0
cc: /sw/lib/libgdk_pixbuf.dylib: No such file or directory
libtool: install: error: relink `' with the above
command before installing it

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