On Mon, 20 May 2002, Lloyd D Budd wrote:

> on 2002/05/20 18:47,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
> > Basically, Galeon needs Mozilla for the same reason that Gnome
> > requires an X11 server: the former is just a nice interface offered
> > for the latter.
> Is that a good analogy?

It's imperfect, but as close of a practical example as I could think of.

> Gnome does require X11.  As you point out, Galeon does not need Mozilla.

Right. I was thinking less literally about the software architecture, and
more about the interface -- Gnome "extends" the X11 interface in roughly
similar ways to how Galeon extends Gecko.

> It needs the rendering engine, Gecko, also part of the Mozilla project.
> If one was to leave such a dependency, would it not make more sense for
> Mozilla to depend on Galeon as it is the much smaller of the two ;-)
> But possibly does that come to a Crypto issue?

Nah, I think that's a dead end. Moving Gecko out of Mozilla & into Galeon
probably wouldn't solve any problems for anyone. The really good thing --
and I have no idea if this would be even feasible -- would be for Gecko to
be an independent package that could be employed by either of Gecko or
Mozilla, making little difference if you just use one browser, but saving
disc space & build time if you want to use both.

Problem is, this would have to be done upstream of Fink, by the developers
of the Mozilla project. I have no idea if they're interested in such a
thing, or would be willing to spend the resources on it. It could be that
Gecko is so tightly bound to Mozilla that offering separate packages for
them might not help their needs. Maybe, I dunno.

In any case, because it would have to be addressed upstream -- and
probably wouldn't happen any time soon -- I think it doesn't matter so
much at this point whether or not it would be in Crypto or not...

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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