On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 14:00, Benjamin Reed wrote:

> I had heard someone mention this in passing, but never heard a good
> explanation as to what happened.  Considering qt-copy is 3.0.4 with some
> modifications, I haven't heard before about the kde team recommending
> 3.0.3.

OK, the guys on #gentoo-ppc had more info.  Apparently it was a
one-liner change in qt 3.0.4 for the regexp stuff that killed it.  I'm
working on new patches right now, we'll see if that helps.

Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
http://defiance.dyndns.org/ / http://radio.scenespot.org/
...if humanoids eat chicken, then obviously they'd eat their own
species.  Otherwise they'd just be picking on the chickens. -- Kryten


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