On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 03:37 , mathias meyer wrote:

> Jean-François
>> libxslt-1.0.18-1 failed with install_name error
> that's strange. i just compiled it yesterday with the april dev tool 
> gcc3 without any error. after reading your mail i even did a fink 
> rebuild libxslt and copied (tee) the output to a log. in case anyone is 
> interested i put the log on my mac homepage.

Yes, but  that came just after I switched to gcc3.
Now I'm doing things more systematically, rebuilding
in strict dependency order. So possibly when I get to
libxslt the results will be different.

Additional successes :

texi2html       1.64-1
findutils       4.1-4
man             1.5j-3
groff           1.17.2-1
grep            2.4.2-3
diffutils       2.8.1-1
patch           2.5.4-2
textutils       2.0-4
curl-ssl        7.9.7-1
cvs             1.11.2-1
nano            1.0.9-1
bash            2.05a-4
zsh             4.0.4-1
tcsh            6.11-1
fileutils       4.1-3
gdbm            1.8.0-6
gmp             4.0.1-2
expat           1.95.1-3
tcltk           8.3.3-7
python          2.2.1-6

JF Mertens


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