I actually already have that alias, I just use "f" for that. I think in 10.1 the "f" alias came with the system.

alias f "egrep \!:1 -rI * | /usr/bin/more"
alias ff "find . -name \!:1 -print"

It is better to use "egrep" since you get more regex features with it over grep.


On Friday, October 25, 2002, at 01:08 PM, Carsten Klapp wrote:

This is a super tip, thanks Ben!

Indeed grep is powerful, it sure beats Sherlock's find-by-content for searching fink info files.

I added this one to my .cshrc (note the \ before the !s)
alias show 'grep \!:1 -rI \!:2 | less'

.bashrc would probably need:
alias show='grep \!:1 -rI \!:2 | less'

Then you can do:
show ranlib /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/

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