On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 06:11  PM, Max Horn wrote:

With regards to this disscussion: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2003/debian-devel-200301/ msg01676.html

-> it seems we have to change the "License" field of mplayer to "restrictive" as we are not allowed to distributed binaries of it.

the mplayer home page (http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/info.html) still claims that the player is licensed under the GPL.

From what I'm able to gleam from the lists, the mplayer folks are mad because the debian binaries aren't particularly optimized, and don't include the codecs everyone wants-- avi, quicktime, etc... mplayer achieves this compatibility through Wine code that lets a x86 linux user use Win32 DLLs.

The debian folks point out that distributing these Win32 DLLs is legally suspect, and that distributing dozens of optimized binaries is logistically difficult.

However, most finkers use powerpcs, and using Bochs to run Wine to run multimedia codecs is just dumb. And as far as I know, mplayer does not distribute a binary for powerpc linux, much less macosx. So, the fink project isn't stepping on anyone's toes, here.
As for a change of license-- well, if mplayer code is distributed alongside the text of the GPL, and if the GPL is included within the sourcecode, then mplayer is covered by the GPL.

Now, if mplayer suddenly changes its license, then Fink is obligated to either distribute the old version, with source, or change the License type in the info file.


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