On Thursday, Feb 20, 2003, at 14:29 US/Eastern, Benjamin Reed wrote:
On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 02:23 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:
curl -f -L -s -S -P - -O ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-free-3.1.1.tar.bz2
Trolltech's server is anal and only allows passive connections. You told it (with the "-P") not to use passive.
Right. Thanks for the clarification.

Which leaves me in a situation where enabling passive works for some packages, but not others. In other words, I can't install all of the packages in Fink without manually grabbing the source and mv'ing it into /sw/src...

That's not good.

Has there been any further thought/progress on creating a Fink source repository that could make all of the various random tarballs available from a set of servers that mirror each other's trees? ... or, at the least, mirrors all packages that are only available via FTP or on non-mirrored, sometimes down, HTTP servers since those seem to be the most problematic?

Ideally, one should always be able to issue 'fink update-all' with the confidence that it will "just work". As I have more and more Fink packages installed, the chances of it "just working" have dropped significantly.

While I know enough to work around the problems when they arise, many [much] of the Fink user community may not.


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