Title: How to update?

I am currently running Mac OS 10.1.5 and have no desire to upgrade to Jaguar at this moment.  As I asked earlier, I couldn’t downlaod xdvi via the following site.

curl -f -L -O ftp://ftp.math.berkeley.edu/pub/Software/TeX/xdvi-22.61.tar.gz
> curl: (19) xdvi-22.61.tar.gz: No such file or directory.
> ### execution of curl failed, exit code 19
> Downloading the file "xdvi-22.61.tar.gz" failed.

I just asked the computer guy at Berkeley and he said “The site ftp.math.berkeley.edu only keeps the most recent three versions of xdvi; older ones are deleted.  The fink package should refer to xdvi.tar.gz, which is always a symlink to the most recent version.”

I tried to run Fink’s update but nothing changed.  While trying to install lyx after the update, it still went to the old version which doesn’t exist now!  So would you please inform me how to make Fink go to the new version manually?  I mean, by issuing certain command on Terminal or by other means.  I really appreciate your help.


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