Hi Dave,

Sorry for the late answer. I was away from my email for a week.

I was using both releases 0.14.0 and 0.14.2 and just tried it with 0.15.0 with the same result.


On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 12:52 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:

I have a problem with BuildDepends since using fink 0.14.X. I have two
packages A and B.
Package A does not Depend/BuildDepend on B, but B has both a Depend and
BuildDepend on A. If I do 'fink build A B' (neither A nor B is
installed), it builds first package A and creates the deb file.
However, it does not install package A before starting to build package

Remi, are you using one of the 0.14.x releases, or did you install the current fink "HEAD" from CVS?

-- Dave

Computers are like air-conditioners, they stop working properly when
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Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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