On Oct 29, 2003, at 7:39 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:

My guess is that what happens is this:  the configure script for some
package runs "which perl" and then uses the answer to decide what to
write in the perl scripts for that package.  dpkg must be one of the
things affected by this.
Sure _ realised this in the minutes after my msg..

... in principle what we
should do in fink is to identify all such packages and somehow force
them to use /usr/bin/perl instead of /sw/bin/perl when they are being
built.  This may be hard to do...

Indeed _ a subset of those packages, besides the "580" packages :
a2ps apache2-ssl-common autoconf2.5 autoconf2.54 automake1.7 bonobo-activation2 bow cdbkup cim cook dpkg egd enscript eterm fvwm2 glib2-dev global gnucash gnupg groff gtk-doc gwydion-dylan help2man http-dav-pm intltool kdepim3-common korganizer latex2html lyx makepatch mhonarc module-info-pm mrtg mysql mysql-client net-snmp-ssl oaf openssl097 pari-gp patchutils pgpenvelope pkg-order r-base rtf-parser-pm test-inline-pm tetex-base texi2html w3m-ssl wml www-search-pm xml-sax-pm xml-xpath-pm

On Oct 29, 2003, at 11:51 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:

No no, have system-perl do ln -s /usr/bin/perl /sw/bin/perl. So /sw/bin/perl
exists and points to /usr/bin/perl. That way both #!/sw/bin/perl and
#!/usr/bin/perl both work and use the Apple installed Perl. /usr isn't

Seems a quite plausible solution. But probably the system-perlxyz convenience
packages should then also ensure that /sw/bin/perl points to `which perl` for 580
and 581, and to /usr/bin/perl5.6.1 for 561 (so all those packages would mutually
conflict _ and one of them _ at least system-perl _ would always be present).
And to realize those conflicts _ I'm not sure if it can be done with just the system-perl
virtual package, or if one would need in addition a system-perl-whatever convenience
package, which writes the actual link and where the conflicts can be written explicitly,
plus then an ('essential') some_perl package, depending on at least one of the above,
to ensure that the symlink always exists...

Or something simpler ??


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