
I'm the findutils maintainer. 'find -ls' (and in fact most of the size-related bits of find) is broken in older versions of findutils. Newer versions, including 4.1.20 in unstable, work fine for me. I'm seeing exactly the same output from '/usr/bin/find . -ls' and '/sw/bin/find . -ls'. If you see something different, please show me what's going on and I'll try to help. Remember that I'm only the Fink maintainer, so if it's a problem that shows up on other OS's as well, we'll probably have to take the problem to GNU.

As for the anacron issue, 'locate' (part of findutils) kinda needs updatedb to run regularly. Right now, the only mechanism in fink to make something run regularly is anacron. If you want to just disable it, you can 'daemonic disable anacron', and say 'no' when anacron asks to be started automatically in it's PostInstall. (Or, you could make a 'system-cron' package so that Fink's automatic tasks can execute without anacron. :-) Given that every user has the choice over whether to let anacron run, I'd much rather have findutils use it by default so that locate works, than let each user figure out on his/her own how to make updatedb run.

Please tell me about any further issues you have.

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