Hello Fink developers,

I have a question about Fink's interation with other
package installers. (Apologies in advance if one of
the other Fink lists is more appropriate for this

I installed TeXShop
on my Powerbook. To do so, I had to use a nifty
package manager called i-Installer
(http://www.rna.nl/ii.html) to install a few things
TeXShop requires. Among other things, I installed
recent versions of Ghostscript and ImageMagick.

The question: is it possible to explicitly inform Fink
(or FinkCommander) about the existence of these
packages when doing a Fink-based install? I ask
because  in some cases (but not others) Fink does not
see these packages when it does a dependency check,
and prompts me to install Fink versions instead.

A specific example: pstoedit-3.33 depends (IIRC) on
both Ghostscript and ImageMagick. For the first
dependency, I got multiple options: install GS from
the Fink repository, or use one of several
"placeholders" for a manually installed version. (I
verified with the author of i-Installer that there are
stubs for his packages of GS and TeX.) For the second
dependency, though, I don't get any option to use a
manually installed version of IM -- so I had to
install Fink's version to get pstoedit to work.

Fortunately I haven't experienced any problems from
having two versions of IM installed simultaneously (in
different places), but is there a cleaner way to do

Thanks in advance,


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