
There is a recent thread about the 'node already exists problem' at http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.os.apple.fink.general/13071

During the update of lilypond I run into the same problem. I noticed that each time it's db42-ssl-shlibs which has to be forced removed. In addition I noticed that I had db42 and db42-ssl-shlibs installed (notice one is ssl, the other is not). I dug into the info files (maintainter cc'd) and tried to understand what goes wrong:

        Depends: db42-shlibs (= %v-%r) | db42-ssl-shlibs (=%v-%r)

        Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) | db42-shlibs (=%v-%r)

        BuildDepends: db42, ... (no ssl version)
        Depends: db42-shlibs, ...

If db42-ssl-shlibs is installed but not db42, this leads to the error
Failed: Internal error: node for db42-ssl-shlibs already exists

To my understanding the following happens:
(1) lilypond checks for db42 which should get installed.
(2) db42 is happy as db42-ssl-shlibs is there to satisfy the dependency.
(3) lilypond then wants db42-shlibs which causes the conflict with the already installed (and from step 2 now required) db42-ssl-shlibs.

Note that it is not enough to make lilypond to depend alternatively on db42-ssl/db42-ssl-shlibs, as it still seems to pick the db42 variant. I guess that db42 (db42-ssl) may only depend on db42-shlibs (db42-ssl-shlibs) and lilypond must have an alternate dependency.


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Charm ends up as strangeness, and even that doesn't last, but up and
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Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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