Michèle Garoche wrote:

People don't mess with other people's experimental, generally.

??? I was told that experimental was precisely here to do that. Provides a location where to put some attempt other people can test or change.

So, now what is experimental for?

experimental/<yourname> is for your own testing, a place to put things that are in-progress or not ready for unstable. You can ask people to try things in your experimental, but since anything in there is considered "not ready for prime time" it will generally be left alone unless you specifically ask for help in testing something.

(The exception is stuff like experimental/tiger, which had been in place for anyone trying to work on tiger before it's release...)

Whenever I 've got a fix, I always pass it to the maintainer the very day I put it in experimental. Was done.

OK. Your previous mail made it sound like that was not the case. Assuming you never heard back before, I'd say maybe ping the maintainer again, and if you don't hear anything in a few days, go ahead and put it in, if the current package is causing issues.

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