On Jun 7, 2005, at 4:03 PM, Adriaan wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to Fink and ran into some problems trying to install GNUcash. After the last update I got this message:

Failed: Can't resolve dependency "bonobo-shlibs" for package "gnucash-1.8.11-1" (no matching packages/versions found)

In the mean while others have also ran into this problem (http://www.mail-archive.com/fink-users@lists.sourceforge.net/ msg18559.html), but they're trying to install on Tiger but I'm stil using Panther.

So what does this all mean for me?


It's actually the same problem--a missing package.

It's very odd in this case, though--I don't see why bonobo-shlibs isn't in 10.3/unstable (ccing -devel as no maintainer exists).

On the other hand, if you set Fink up to use unstable packages correctly this shouldn't matter. Do you have both "unstable/main" and "stable/main" in the Trees: line of /sw/etc/fink.conf?
Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
visiting MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Levitated Dipole Experiment
175 Albany Street, NW17-219
Cambridge, MA  02139-4213

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