On Aug 4, 2005, at 6:05 AM, Max Horn wrote:
 Alas, libggetext3 isn't in stable (yet).
My question: Are there plans to move it to stable soon?


Because libgettext3 and gettext-dev conflict, the Fink dependency engine has to be able to switch back and forth between them when build other packages. A reliable version of this swapping code was only recently finalized, and will be in fink 0.24.9. As soon as that's in stable, libgettext3 can go to stable as well.

I'd like to release 0.24.9 to unstable very soon. There's just one other bug-fix going into 0.24.9, that should enable Essential packages to be SplitOffs, and I'm waiting for cirdan to make sure that works. Then it's just some testing and release. A couple weeks after it's been in unstable, if there are no big problems, we'll push it to stable.

Gist of that is, in about two or three weeks I expect you'll see libgettext3 in stable. If you'd like things to go faster, you can help test :-)


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