On Aug 6, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Kevin Horton wrote:
1. These examples suggest that the info2 portion can be imbedded in a "regular" .info file. I.e. I don't need to have the "Info2: <<" at the top of the file. But, if I look at the .info files on my HD, I can only find the "Info2: <<" at the top of the file. Does the whole info file need to be inside the Info2 block?

Hi Kevin,

Info2 (and any future Info3) should wrap the entire contents of the .info file, yes. The reason for this is that if we ever change the format of .info files in a non-backwards-compatible way, we want older versions of Fink to at least be able to detect "I won't be able to understand this". If Info2 is right at the beginning, then it's guaranteed that every version of Fink will be able to notice it without getting confused by syntax it doesn't understand.

2. I can only use the %type_raw[] and %type_pkg[] pseudo-hashes inside the info2 portions of the .info file. Is this correct?

You can only use them in a .info file that's wrapped by Info2. You can't have both a Info2 and non-Info2 portion of the same .info file-- it either wraps the whole thing, or it's not there at all.

3. The only new capability that using info2 adds is the ability to use %type_raw[] and %type_pkg[] pseudo-hashes. Is this correct?

Pretty much. Technically, you only need Info2 if you're going to use % type_* in the Package field, but there's not much you can do with them otherwise.

Sorry for the confusion, we'll try to make things clearer in the future.


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