David R. Morrison wrote:
> On Jun 18, 2007, at 6:34 AM, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:
>> Can we have a percent expansion, perhaps %{dist} to represent the  
>> value
>> of Distribution: so that it can be used elsewhere in the .info  
>> (like for
>> determining build settings)?
> I think it will almost always be easier to have separate .info files  
> in this situation, rather than trying to parse %{Distribution}.  (I'm  
> willing to be convinced otherwise by some examples.)

My case is not particularly hard, although being able to check for 
%{Distribution} during CompileScript inside a single .info file would 
make things easier.  Here's my example: valknut has two variants: x11 
and aqua.  Each one has different ConfigureParams which I differentiate 
with "(%type_raw[-qttoolkit] = -aqua) --enable-foo".  Nothing unique so far.

However, once I get to CompileScript, I need to set some variables only 
for the qt3mac version, but ONLY on 10.3 because qt3mac behaves 
differently between 10.3 and 10.4 (quicktime upgrade issues from Apple). 
  So I have two .info files, one 'clean' for 10.4 where qt3mac behaves 
correctly, and then a different .info file on 10.3 that has an "if [] 
then" that gets enabled if I'm using qt3mac.  It would be easier for me 
to have a single .info that only adds the envvars if 10.3 && qt3mac were 
both true, something along the lines of "if [ %{Distribution} == 10.4 && 
%type_raw[-qttoolkit] == -aqua ] then..."

I realize there's a slippery slope where people could start getting too 
cute picking out minor differences between systems and using "if's" all 
over the place.


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