On 9/14/07, Eric Keiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Both say, "no match"
> ls -l /sw/lib/libreadl*
> tcsh: ls: No match.
> file /sw/lib/libreadl*
> tcsh: file: No match.
> Eric
Very odd, considering that readline5 (which does indeed give
/sw/lib/libreadline.dylib) is a listed dependency of guile16.  Maybe
you just need to do "fink reinstall readline5"--though run the
commands again to verify the file's existence in your filesystem.
> On 9/14/07 3:07 PM, "Jean-François Mertens"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 14 Sep 2007, at 22:56, Jean-François Mertens wrote:
> >
> >>>>
> >>> Judging by the "rl" in the symbol list, it looks like a problem with
> >>> readline.  Do you happen to have a non-Fink libreadline.dylib laying
> >>> around in /usr/local?
> >>
> >> But I see no -L/sw/lib in that line !
> >> And indeed an fgrep in the output of nm shows all those symbols
> >> in libreadline in /sw/lib, and none in /usr/lib ..
> >>
> >> /usr/ rather than /usr/local seems the problem here.
> >> Something else must have gone wrong in configure
> >> to lead to that missing -L flag...
> >> Maybe readline5 was not well installed ??
> >
> > Sorry _ no missing flags _ the pkg uses SetLIBRARY_PATH
> > No idea then ...
> > What does "ls -l /sw/lib/libreadl*" give ?
> > And "file /sw/lib/libreadl*" ?
> >
> > JF Mertens
> >
> >

Alexander K. Hansen
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