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William Scott wrote:
| Hi folks:
| A package I am maintaing, coot, in its latest development phase (which  
| I try to participate in), requires gtk+2 v. 2.10 or higher, which  
| therefore requires the fink "pangocairo" branch, which in turn  
| continues to mystify me (despite having read the fink wiki "The Great  
| Gnome Update" page 
|   ).
| I have a few very basic questions:
| 1.  Is there an estimated date of release, or goal for one?
| 2.  What is the story with  fink package pango1-xft2-ft219-dev and  
| pango1-xft2-dev ?  Why does only the first one provide libpangocairo,  
| and if the two conflict and replace one another, why does the first  
| one hide stuff in /sw/lib/pango-ft219/lib ?
They're development packages for two vintages of pango1.  In accordance 
with our shared library policy, the development packages should 
conflict, and the libraries have to be able to coexist, so 
pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs installs its libraries in 
/sw/lib/pango-ft219/lib.  The -dev package probably installs there so 
that there's a common root directory for the headers and the libraries.
| 3.  I've used PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/sw/lib/pango-ft219/lib/pkgconfig:$
| {PKG_CONFIG_PATH}  to get coot's configure to find pangocairo.pc,  
| which it then does.  Later in the compilation, libtool tries to find  
| all the associated libtool files (libpangocairo-1.0.la,  
| libpango-1.0.la and so forth) in /sw/lib and fails.  Similarly, it  
| starts looking for pangocairo.pc and pango.pc in /sw/lib and fails.  I  
| made symbolic links as a work-around, but obviously that isn't a  
| viable solution. So my questions are:
| a) Is pango1-xft2-ft219-dev obsolete and/or depreciated in favor of  
| pango1-xft2-dev ?  If so, what should I tell the author of coot to do  
| about this? Which one should we be aiming to use a year from now?
It's the other way around.  The "ft219" means that it uses 
"freetype219", which corresponds to newer versions of freetype2.
| b) How do I force libtool to do the right thing?
| For what it is worth, coot has about 150 dependencies, which apart  
| from the above, all seem to work well enough to enable it to compile.
| Thanks.
| Bill Scott

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