Daniel Macks wrote:
> Look for where the bad .la file gets created. There's probably a
> libtool command in the build output that does "-o libstdc++.la". Look
> at that libtool command and the compiler command after it, see if they
> have any -L flags that point to the build dir (either absolute
> -L/sw/src/whatever or relative -L./whatever). One should only pass -L
> flags for system and dependent libraries, not for things that are part
> of the thing you are building.
> If the libtool command has them, then there's a bug in the Makefile
> (okay, the Makefile.in template, or its Makefile.am template,
> depending on how the package is written), or more rarely in the
> ./configure script that sets some flags in the Makefile. If the
> libtool command does not but the compiler command does, then it's the
> bug in libtool.

This is a gcc build-system bug that has been reported again and again.
There is no easy way to adjust the build system to fix, the best bet is
to remove the builddir refereces from the .la files after installing in
the staging dir using sed/perl etc.

Peter O'Gorman

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