I'd appreciate any help sorting out why fink is confused about  
dependencies for xfoil-696-1001.  I only find one .info file for that  
version of xfoil, in the unstable tree, and it has the following  
depends lines:

Depends: gcc43-shlibs, x11-shlibs, x11
BuildDepends: gcc43, x11-dev

Yet, when I try to rebuild it, fink wants to install gcc4.2:

% fink rebuild xfoil-696-1001
Information about 7756 packages read in 4 seconds.
The package 'xfoil' will be built without being installed.
Reading dependency for xfoil-696-1001...
Reading build dependency for xfoil-696-1001...
Reading build conflict for xfoil-696-1001...
The package 'gcc42' will be built and installed.

WARNING: The package gcc42 Depends on cctools,
         but cctools only allows things to BuildDepend on it.

Reading dependency for gcc42-4.2.3-1000...
Reading build dependency for gcc42-4.2.3-1000...
Reading dependency for gcc42-shlibs-4.2.3-1000...
Reading build conflict for gcc42-4.2.3-1000...
The following package will be rebuilt:
The following additional package will be installed:
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

Digging deeper:
% fink dumpinfo xfoil-696-1001
Information about 7756 packages read in 4 seconds.
infofile: /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/xfoil.info
debfile: /sw/fink/10.5/unstable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/sci/ 
package: xfoil
epoch: 0
version: 696
revision: 1001
family: xfoil
status: old have-deb
  b     696-1001
  bi    697-1
trees: unstable/main
description: Design and analyze subsonic isolated airfoils
type: [undefined]
license: GPL
maintainer: Kevin Horton <khorto...@rogers.com>
depends: gcc42-shlibs, x11-shlibs, x11
builddepends: gcc42, x11-dev
conflicts: gcc43

% head -n8 /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/xfoil.info
Package: xfoil
Version: 696
Revision: 1001
License: GPL
#Architecture: powerpc
Maintainer: Kevin Horton <khorto...@rogers.com>
Depends: gcc43-shlibs, x11-shlibs, x11
BuildDepends: gcc43, x11-dev

What is going on here?  I assume that the bad info is coming from a  
cache somewhere, but "man fink" gives no clue on how to update it.   
The only mention of "cache" is WRT "fink index", but I've done that,  
and it doesn't help.

Thanks for your assistance.

Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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