Jack Howarth wrote:
>    I wasn't proposing a check for a specific list
> of files but rather as simple option of a strict
> build mode which would abort if any *.h or *.a
> files existed inside of /usr/local.

Jack Howarth earlier wrote:
> The idea would be for packages known
> to commonly suffer from this issue, the info file could
> invoke a strict mode during the fink build process where
> fink would first look for headers or static libraries in
> /usr/local

That's what I read this as, but regardless, instead of doing "if -e 
/usr/local/include/evil.h", a package could just as easily just see if 
there' _a_ file in /usr/local and crash out.  The end result is the 
same, though.

The possibilities mentioned so far are 1) add code into Fink to have a 
'strict' tag, followed by 2) have packages susceptible to bad files be 
marked 'Strict: true', or A) have packages susceptible to bad files add 
a quick check into CompileScript.  The 2nd path seems a heck of a lot 
easier and can be done by any maintainer, plus it's probably more flexible.


Hanspeter Niederstrasser
hanspeter at snaggledworks.com

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