Martin Costabel wrote:
> Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:
>> I get the same error on 10.5/i386.  Previous revisions of 
>> boost1.35.systempython (-2 and -3) built fine, but -5 crashes with the 
>> "error: 'PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT' was not declared in this scope" errors 
>> that Sjors also gets.
> Like Alex, I didn't get the error on 10.5/i386, but I see now that that 
> I could have got it, too. In fact, the "systempython" variant does not 
> mean that the package uses necessarily the python from /System/Library. 
> It means rather "use whatever python you can find", and this can be 
> different on different machines.
> This used to be OK, because boost does not really _use_ python, it only 
> creates an interface. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be OK any 
> longer, because the python developers have taken lessons from the 
> freetype2 or gnome guys; they now routinely introduce API 
> incompatibilities, even in micro-version updates. The boost package 
> version 1.35.0-5 has a patch against such an incompatibility between 
> python 2.6.2 and 2.6.3.
> Anyway, I have now put an updated version 1.35.0-6 on the server which 
> should solve the problem for the moment. It doesn't apply the patch for 
> the systempython variant, so the build error will go away.

Thanks Martin.  Rev. -6 fixed things here.


Hanspeter Niederstrasser
hanspeter AT snaggledworks DOT com

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