On 3/4/10 2:56 PM, David Lowe wrote:
>       Okeh, i'm somewhat embarrassed in that i've run into a problem with my 
> own package.  Here's the story: i successfully built and ran the new package 
> last week, and made several minor updates to the description fields.  Today i 
> tentatively removed the sdl-mixer dependency and bumped the revision, did 
> 'fink remove freeciv', 'fink index', 'fink selfupdate', 'fink update-all', 
> and finally 'fink install freeciv'.  The build is now choking where it didn't 
> last week, and i've not been able to find the cause.  I put the dependency 
> back, of course, but that didn't change things.  Can i get some help?
>       My experimental info file still looks much like the old one, other than 
> updating the md5 and deleting the fetch of Source2 [the soundset is now in 
> the main tarball, rather than a separate option].  I have also removed two 
> obsolete ConfigureParams.
>       The problem seems to come in while copying the sounds.  The previous 
> [successful] build has this:
>> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
>> /bin/cp -Rv ../data/* 
>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-freeciv-2.2.0-1/sw/share/freeciv/
>> ../data/stdsounds ->  
>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-freeciv-2.2.0-1/sw/share/freeciv/stdsounds
>> ../data/stdsounds/foot3.ogg ->  
>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-freeciv-2.2.0-1/sw/share/freeciv/stdsounds/foot3.ogg
>       The new [failed] build has this:
>> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
>> /bin/cp -Rv ../data/* 
>> /sw/src/fink.build/root-freeciv-2.2.0-2/sw/share/freeciv/
>> cp: ../data/*: No such file or directory
>> ### execution of /bin/cp failed, exit code 1
>       Both /sw/src/fink.build/freeciv-2.2.0-2/freeciv-2.2.0/data/stdsounds 
> and /sw/src/fink.build/root-freeciv-2.2.0-2/sw/share/freeciv/stdsounds are 
> appropriately populated with sound files.  Where else should i be looking?  I 
> didn't attach the logs as they are rather long, but they are here if anybody 
> wants me to send them personally.

David, I think the relevant part is that your InstallScript is now 
pointing to a non-existant directory.

InstallScript: <<
   /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=%d
   /bin/cp -Rv ../data/* %i/share/%n/

This makes it look in /sw/src/fink.build/freeciv-2.2.0-2/data rather 
than in /sw/src/fink.build/freeciv-2.2.0-2/freeciv-2.2.0/data .  Because 
the data stuff is now included in the same tarball, the data dir is now 
in a new location (probably just need to get rid of ../ in that cp command)


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