On 3/9/10 10:55 AM, Pranay Airan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am facing problem while creating info file, i discuss this problem earlier
> and got some suggestions but still i am unclear how to proceed
> in my port when porting for MAC while i am compiling any program which
> includes *stdlib.h* it gives syntax error, which in turn found to be
> in *usr/include/mach/i386/_structs.h
> * where the error is in parsing Bit fields, as MAX and Alexander pointed
> that problem is in compiler which is not able to parse this bit fields, i
> want to know why this bit fields are not present in linux and is this header
> file structure is same for Power PC as well?
> Also what can be possible solution ? as suggested some solutions are

> 2) create directory store updated header file and pass it to compiler (this
> is not clear)

As stated in the previous message, you have to modify a _LOCAL_ version 
of that header (local to the build process).  During PatchScript:, copy 
the header to %b/mach/i386 . Then use the PatchFile (or PatchScript via 
perl or sed if its an simple fix) to modify the header to whatever 
solves your compilation problems.  Finally, change your compiler flags 
(CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, or whatever), so that -I%b is in front of 
-I/usr/include.  You'll probably either need to use some SetENVVAR 
field[2] or modify Makefile.in to change flag ordering so that the 
compiler sees your modified header instead of the system header.

Look at http://www.finkproject.org/doc/packaging/format.php?phpLang=en 
if you're not clear what %b is and 
http://www.finkproject.org/doc/packaging/reference.php?phpLang=en for 
using the SetENVVAR fields.


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