On 3/31/10 5:23 PM, David Lowe wrote:
> On 31 Mar, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> Amplifying a bit:
>> Depends can be implicit--though if they're libraries it's normally
>> better to spell them out.
>> BuildDepends can *never* be implicit, because we don't currently
>> have a mechanism to allow for their inheritance.
> For those of us who weren't paying attention in class, are
> discrepancies discovered through 'otool -L' BuildDepends or normal
> Depends?

otool -L gives you libraries that your file links to.  These are needed
at runtime and so are Depends (and usually are foo-shlibs).  And 99.44%
of the time, you'll need the corresponding foo-dev (sometimes called
just foo, confusing, I know) package that contains the header (.h) files
so that your program knows what to do with the library it needs.  So if
you get /sw/lib/libintl.8.0.2.dylib as a linked library, then you want
Depends: libgettext8, and BuildDepends: libgettext8-dev.


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