On 4/14/10 11:52 AM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 11:39 AM, David Lowe wrote:
>>      The wiki mentions here:
>> http://wiki.finkproject.org/index.php/Fink:NewMaintainer#Create_your_first_package
>> that syntax coloring is available for info files.  However, the link given 
>> there is dead [404 error].  In fact, the '~chris01' user that hosted it 
>> seems to no longer exist.  A web search for "fink language module 
>> textwrangler" merely pointed me back at the wiki.  Does anybody have a 
>> current link, or is the module licensed such that it could be hosted on the 
>> SourceForge page?
> This is the version I use with BBEdit and should be fine with TextWrangler. I 
> forget exactly where it came from; it's possibly based on the one mentioned 
> above, but I've modified it to work with newer Fink syntax.

I've now updated the wiki to point to Daniel's file that I've uploaded 
onto my own server so it won't get lost again.  Presumably it and the 
nedit patterns file also there could be sent to the fink-maintainertools 
module in Fink's CVS tree  for real archiving.


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