On 5/1/10 3:25 PM, sebastien masson wrote:
> Hello,
> Would it be possible to update cdo package to the latest version:
> 1.4.4 ?
> thank you,

cdo is currently not maintained by anyone.  However, it is possible for 
you to try to update your local version and you can then report back if 
it worked (and the cdo .info file looks simple enough that a simple 
version bump might be enough to update it).  If you're willing to try 
this, follow the example directions from here 
<http://finkers.wordpress.com/2009/07/24/creating-local-packages/>.  You 
can ignore the SetCFLAGS steps from that example because it's specific 
to that package, but the rest should apply, changing the file names 
where appropriate.


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