
"hidding" /usr/local by temporarily moving it to another place sounds like a 
super-evil and dangerous thing to me. It's pretty easy to imagine how this can 
lead to data loss. Also, what if I want to build one of those super big 
packages that take hours and hours -- am I simply not allowed to use /usr/local 
during that time?

It seems to me that such a feature should at most be used by "power-users" (or 
rather: by "power-developers") who know exactly what they are doing. I wouldn't 
want to recommend this option to any regular user, nor to a "regular" 
developer. So I wonder why such a highly specialized thing should be in Fink -- 
can't those users just move the directory away themselves, or even better, not 
populate it in the first place?

If we really want to enforce building w/o /usr/local visible for "all" our 
users, I think this is the wrong way to go. There must be better ones out 
there. What about setting up a chroot environment (which has it pitfalls, too, 
but at least the worst that can happen is a build failure and maybe some wasted 
disk space).


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