On 6/23/10 9:09 PM, DJamé Seddah wrote:
> Hi list,
> I just installed fink on  a brand new 10.6.4 install (using rsync,
> selfupdate, etc.)  and I wanted to install mc
> (fink install mc)
> and I'm astonished about the amount of stuff that seems to be needed
> for this soft: 57 pkgs, among which one can find tcl/tk, sgml*,
> libjpeg, docbook and so on...
> I've installed this soft I don't know how many times on various system
> (solaris, true64, many linux) and usually it only asked for glib,
> readline, gettext, libncurse, libgz, libzip and that's it...
> not this whole mess.
> Is there anything broken here ?

No.  Remember that OS X does not come with a lot of the usual Unix-type 
libraries and packages, so installing even what looks to be a simple 
package at the end of the day requires things that come by default on 
other systems (often just for building and are not real runtime 
dependencies).  So for example, mc needs glib2-shlibs, which needs 
gtk-doc to build (on Linux, glib2-shlibs is usually already prebuilt, so 
this subdependency is hidden).  And gtk-doc needs gnome-doc-utils, which 
then needs libxml2-py26, why needs python26...

If you want to see which of mc's dependencies is the actual culprit for 
requiring all those extra deps, try installing each one independently. 
You can see the list of (Build)Dependencies for mc here: 
  libiconv and libgettext3-shlibs are base packages, so they're always 
present, but try just installing glib2-shlibs to see what it needs 
beyond the explicit depends.  And if you want to go a level deeper, here 
is the list of glib2-shlibs explicit dependencies: 


Hanspeter Niederstrasser
hanspeter AT snaggledworks DOT com

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