Todai Team,

During my buildworld run, many packages have aborted building because of 
a conflict between ptex-base and tetex-base.  The actual error is this:

While trying to install:

The following inconsistencies found:
   texlive-base conflicts with ptex-base (<= 3.1.10-1003), but ptex-base is

Trying to resolve dependencies...
Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies!

Fink isn't sure how to install the above packages safely. You may be able to
fix things by running:

   fink scanpackages
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install ptex-base=3.1.10-1003

Failed: Fink::SysState: Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies

The texlive-base-0.20080816-2 splitoff in unstable has 
Conflicts/Replaces set for "ptex-base (<= 3.1.10-1003)".  ptex-base is 
unstable is 3.1.11, so that's OK, but ptex-base in stable[1] is at 
version 3.1.10-1003.  Could you please modify ptex-base in stable to 
conflicts/replaces with texlive-base? so that the swapping can take 
place gracefully?  Thanks,


[1] Why the buildworld is building the ptex-base from stable is a whole 
other issue, and I have no idea as to why it's doing this.  It does 
build ptex-base/unstable, but likes to build and use anew 
ptex-base/stable in the middle of runs.

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