Kees Bakker wrote:
> On 23 Aug, 2010, at 20:00 , Martin Costabel wrote:
>> Do you have a concrete example where the value "LAST" for 
>> CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK leads to serious trouble?
> Yes, I have a program that I want to link against my own copy
> of the SDL framework. It doesn't really matter where I put it,
> it keeps finding the SDL library in /sw

I did some testing:

Installing a SDL.framework in /Library/Frameworks(*) and a cmake package 
that has CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=FIRST, I tried to build at random one of 
Fink's game packages that use sdl, violetland-0.2.10-1002. It failed on 
linking the executable, with some undefined symbols. Without trying to 
go to the bottom of the failure, I strongly suspect that the reason is 
that it finds a mixture of the sdl framework with some other sdl parts 
from Fink:

costabel% grep -i sdl 
//Where the SDL Library can be found
SDL_LIBRARY:STRING=/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework;-framework Cocoa
SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP:INTERNAL=/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework;-framework Cocoa

With the cmake package that has CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=LAST, it builds 
without any problem. I suspect the same problems will arise with other 
Fink packages.

Thus the question is whether we want to protect all cmake-using Fink 
packages individually against stuff that might or might not be installed 
in /Library/Frameworks (and system stuff in /System/Library/Frameworks 
that we might not want to link against) or have a slightly non-standard 
default that does this protection globally.

In your case, I suppose setting some cmake flags, like SDL_INCLUDE_DIR 
and SDL_LIBRARY, to point to the framework in ~/Library/Frameworks 
should do the trick.

(*) Placing the framework in ~/Library/Frameworks does not expose it to 
cmake during Fink builds, because then the $HOME environment variable is 
set differently, so "~" does not expand to /Users/costabel, but to 
something like 


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