The results for the latest buildworld (10.5/i386/unstable) are in:


By maintainer:

This run tried to build every package as 'nobody' (fink-bld actually) 
first and then tried as root if that failed.  The logs of packages that 
failed building/installing as 'fink-bld' are here (sorry, no nice 
formatting for these):


There's a move to add --build-as-nobody into the default command (except 
for packages that explicitly opt out as needed), so most of those 
packages listed in the /nobody/ directory will fail in the future unless 
fixed (and should be fixed anyway as good form).

Finally, some packages were updated (grassN and emboss are 2 that 
immediately come to mind) after the cvs pull for buildworld 15 days ago. 
  So a failure could have been fixed in CVS already, but not be 
represented in the buildworld results.


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