On 9/29/10 6:53 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2010, at 7:45 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 9/29/10 5:08 PM, Ebrahim Mayat wrote:
>>> Hello list
>>> With reference to my submission (#3074237) for fluidsynth-1.1.2, I have
>>> come across a compatibility version issue.
>>> As similarly outlined in my earlier message:
>>> <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.os.macosx.fink.devel/19813/focus=19816>
>>> using autotools for the previous version of fluidsynth-1.1.1, the
>>> compatibility version for the shared library libfluidsynth.1.dylib is
>>>> /sw/lib/libfluidsynth.1.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current
>>>> version 5.0.0)
>>> while building with cmake for fluidsynth-1.1.2 gives
>>>> /sw/lib/libfluidsynth.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current
>>>> version 1.4.0)
>>> So, this leads to a problem since the compatibility version is being
>>> downgraded. The reviewer has suggested that this problem can be
>>> circumvented by simply renaming the package.
>>> For example, instead of "fluidsynth" the new package can be called
>>> "fluidsynth1".  This would seem simple enough but perhaps some of you
>>> may have alternative ideas that should be considered.
>>> I would appreciate any suggestions on how I could effectively deal with
>>> this compatibility version problem.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Ebrahim
>> That's probably the most straightforward way to handle the situation.
>> You'd want to have fluidsynth1-dev and fluidsynth-dev Conflict and
>> Replace each other, of course.
> I'm afraid this case is trickier than that, because the major version of the 
> library has not changed and therefore the primary filename of the shared 
> library has not changed.  So the files in the two -shlibs splitoffs will 
> conflict, and you can't use one to replace the other or the compatibility 
> version will break.
> Would it be possible to go back to using autotools to compile the package?  
> If not, you are going to have to modify the cmake procedures so that they 
> produce compatibility versions in the same way as the old autotools build 
> method did.  Since I know very little about cmake, I can't give advice about 
> how to do this.

Speex had a similar issue recently (offloaded public but unstable 
symbols to another dylib) but kept the install name the same.  The new 
speex version was put into a new package name (speex3 -> libspeex1) 
*AND* the libraries were put into a 'hidden' directory 
/sw/lib/libspeex1/lib (that is, not directly into /sw/lib) to avoid 
filename collisions while maintaining Shlibs policy.


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