On 25/10/10 04:08, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> If people's stuff using java would builddep on system-java-dev, then
> we'd know whether the user had it or not.  ;)

But the bdep could be satisfied with an older version of 
system-java-dev, without fink even knowing. This might pose a problem in 
a situation where java versions really matter. Here is what I am observing:

On this 10.5 system, I installed the latest softwareupdate that removes 
the java-1.6 headers, but did not install the JavaDeveloper package, 
with the intention to see what goes wrong. In fact, cmake built without 
any problem, because there *is* a file 
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers/jni.h, only it comes 
from java-1.5, not from 1.6. Indeed:

costabel% fink list system-java |head -n2
  i   system-java      1.6.0-1  [virtual package representing Java 1.6.0]
  i   system-java-dev  1.5.0-1  [virtual package representing Java SDK 

This is with the previous release of fink. There was (is) a bug in the 
description field of system-java-dev where it gives the version of 
system-java and not the one of system-java-dev. With the new 
fink-0.29.15, it says

costabel% fink list system-java | head -n2
  i     system-java     1.6.0-1 [virtual package representing Java 1.6.0]
  i     system-java-dev 1.6.0-1 [virtual package representing Java SDK 1.6.0]

although there is no jni.h of version 1.6.0 anywhere. This looks doubly 
wrong now. I don't have the time to unravel the unholy spaghetti heap of 
symlinks in Apple's java stuff, but this seems to need some more work.


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