I'm looking for advice on the best way to deal with a change in sylpheed 3.1.1. 
 Sylpheed is an X11 mail client.

Up to now, user configuration data has been stored in ~/.sylpheed-2.0.  This 
has been changed to ~/Library/Application Support/Sylpheed in sylpheed 3.1.1, 
but there are no provisions for existing users who upgrade from an earlier 
version.  If the user has not manually moved their configuration data, sylpheed 
3.1.1 acts as if it has never run before and prompts the user to input their 
email settings.  I wasted over two hours trying to understand why sylpheed 
3.1.1 did not use my existing configuration data before I finally found out 
what was going on.  I want to ensure that users of this package don't suffer 
the same fate.

I see the following options:

1. Create a post-install script that checks for the presence of 
~/.sylpheed-2.0.  If this exists, and ~/Library/Application Support/Sylpheed 
does not exist, it would copy the data in ~/.sylpheed-2.0 to 
~/Library/Application Support/Sylpheed.

2. Same as above, but have fink explain the situation and ask the user to 
confirm this is what he wants to do.  This has the advantage of making the user 
aware of this change.

3. User symlinks in ~/Library/Application Support/Sylpheed rather than copy the 
data.  Otherwise the same as option 1.

4. User symlinks in ~/Library/Application Support/Sylpheed rather than copy the 
data.  Otherwise the same as option 2.

5. Create a post-install script that tells the user about the change in 
location for configuration data, and recommend that he move the data himself 
before running sylpheed again.

I'm leaving towards option 3.  It has the advantage of allowing the 
installation to complete without the need for user intervention.  If the user 
manually edits the data in ~/.sylpheed-2.0, thinking this is still the default 
location, his edits are used due to the symlink in ~/Library/Application 

I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments.

Best regards,
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada

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