
forwarding this here in case there are other Fink packages where this has 
become an issue
(the package in question is on 

Begin forwarded message:

>> I had a look at the new release and actually ran into a problem right away 
>> building it on OS X 10.9:
>> File 
>> "/scratch.noindex/fink.build/astropy-py34-0.4-1/astropy-0.4/ah_bootstrap.py",
>>  line 435, in _check_submodule_using_git
>>    stderr = stderr.decode(stdio_encoding)
>> TypeError: decode() argument 1 must be str, not None
> We've got a known issue for the issue of incorrectly set environment
> variables (such as in the MacOS X terminal):
> http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/known_issues.html#utf-8-locale-error-on-macos-x
> I've now opened a pull request to add other errors such as the one above
> which are due to the same issue:
>  https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/2760
> Erik B. has also been working on a workaround that will try and get
> around issues of misconfigured locale variables. In the mean time, it
> makes sense to set these correctly as shown in the 'known issue' above,
> since this is an error that can occur with other packages, not just astropy.

If this is a more common problem, maybe it makes sense to add something like
fields to the package description (or perhaps even have Fink always set sane 
But otoh in the fink build the issue was not LC_CTYPE being set to UTF-8 but 
rather being not set
at all, and this problem might be more specific to astropy. In that case it’s 
perhaps better to just use
the workaround until this is resolved upstream.


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